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Bharat's Guide to DEEDS & Documentation (in 2 vols.) by R.K. Gupta Revised by Abha Jaiswal

Bharat's Guide to DEEDS & Documentation (in 2 vols.) by R.K. Gupta Revised by Abha Jaiswal

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About Guide to DEEDS & Documentation (in 2 vols.)

 Volume 1

Chapter 1      Introduction                                                                         

Chapter 2      Construction/Interpretation of deeds and documents

Chapter 3      Acknowledgment                                                               

Chapter 4      Adoption                                                                              

                        [Advertisements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)

Chapter 5      Affidavits                                                                             

                        [Agency (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 6      Agreements                                                                          

A.  Advertisement Agreements                                        

B.   Agency Agreements                                                     

C.  Apprenticeship Agreements                                       

D.  Auction Agreements                                                    

E.   Brokerage and Underwriting Agreements               

F.   Building and Engineering Agreements                    

G.  Confidentiality Agreements                                        

H.  Contractual Agreements                                              

I.    Labour Agreements                                                      

J.    Employment Contracts                                                

K.  Commercial Agreements                                             

L.   Electronic Contract                                                       

                        [Amalgamation (See under Chapter 12: Company Restructuring (Merger, Amalgamation, Joint Venture) and Insider Trading)]

                        [Apprenticeship agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 7      Arbitration                                                                           

Chapter 8      Assignment                                                                          

                        [Auction (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 9      Banking Forms, Documents and Negotiable Instruments       

Chapter 10    Bonds and Indemnities                                                      

                        [Brokerage and underwriting agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

                        [Building and Engineering agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 11    Company Forms and Documents                                    

Chapter 12    Company Restructuring (Merger, Amalgama-tion, Joint Venture) and Insider Trading                                                                                 

Chapter 13    Composition, Compromise and Family Settlements    

                        [Confidentiality Agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 14    Consumer Protection                                                         

                        [Contractual Agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

                        [Copyright Agreements (See under Chapter 26: Intellectual Property Rights)]

Chapter 15    Divorce and Maintenance                                                  

Chapter 16    Domestic

Chapter 17    Easements                                                                            

Chapter 18    Exchange                                                                              

                        [Family Settlement (See under Chapter 13: Composition, Compromise and Family Settlements)]

Chapter 19    Foreign Collaboration and Joint Venture Agreements 

Chapter 20    Franchising                                                                          

Volume 2

Chapter 21    Gift                                                                                        

Chapter 22    Guarantees                                                                           

Chapter 23    Hire-purchase Agreements                                               

                        [Hypothecation (See under Chapter 29: Mortgage, Pledge, Hypothecation and other Security Documents)]

Chapter 24    Information Technology                                                    

Chapter 25    Infrastructure Development and Financing                   

                        [Indemnity (See under Chapter 10: Bonds and Indemnities)]

                        [Insider Trading (See under Chapter 12: Company Restructuring (Merger, Amalgamation, Joint Venture) and Insider Trading)]

Chapter 26    Intellectual Property Rights                                              

                        [Joint Ventures (See under Chapter 11: Company Forms and Documents)]

                        [Labour Agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 27    Lease and License                                                               

                        [Maintenance (See under Chapter 15: Divorce and Maintenance)]

Chapter 28    Memorandum of Understanding                                     

                        [Miscellaneous Agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 29    Mortgage, Pledge, Hypothecation and other Security Documents    

                        [Negotiable Instruments (See under Chapter 9: Banking Forms, Documents and Negotiable Instruments)]

Chapter 30    Notices                                                                                  

Chapter 31    Partition                                                                                

Chapter 32    Partnership                                                                          

Chapter 33    Partnership with Limited Liability                                  

Chapter 34    Power of attorney                                                               

                        [Property Transactions Documents (See under Chapter 29: Mortgage, Pledge, Hypothecation and other Security Documents)]

                        [Security Documents (See under Chapter 29: Mortgage, Pledge, Hypothecation and other Security Documents)]

                        [Service Agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 35    Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal)                                                                                               

                        [Supply Commercial Agreements (See under Chapter 6: Agreements)]

Chapter 36    Railway Claims                                                                   

Chapter 37    Real Estate Regulation and Development Act (RERA) — Purchase of property under                                                                                               

Chapter 38    Receipt                                                                                  

Chapter 39    Rectification, Modification and Cancellation                 

Chapter 40    Release                                                                                 

Chapter 41    Right to Information                                                           

Chapter 42    Sale of Immovable Property                                             

Chapter 43    Securitisation                                                                       

Chapter 44    Shipping Documents                                                          

                        [Takeovers (See under Chapter 12: Company Restructuring (Merger, Amalgamation, Joint Venture) and Insider Trading)]

Chapter 45    Transport Documents                                                        

Chapter 46    Trusts, Wakfs, Societies and Non-profit making Companies  

                        [Wakfs (See under Chapter 46: Trusts, Wakfs, Societies and Non-profit making Companies)]

Chapter 47    Wills                                                                                      


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