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Civil Procedure (CPC) by C.K. Takwani-10th Edition 2024-Eastern Book Company

Civil Procedure (CPC) by C.K. Takwani-10th Edition 2024-Eastern Book Company

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Civil Procedure (CPC) by C.K. Takwani provides an interesting and lucid study of the fundamental principles of civil procedure in a logical sequence. This book explains complex legal concepts with clarity and coherence. It covers all aspects and dimensions of law relating to Civil Procedure and Limitation in India. The topic-wise treatment of the subject, along with references to academic writings and judicial decisions, makes the study of civil procedure more meaningful and comprehensible.

In the present edition, the author, along with incorporating legislative developments, has painstakingly extracted rulings on the subject from both the Supreme Court and the High Courts, incorporating all the latest case law. Further, principles relating to the jurisdiction of civil courts, pleadings, appearance of parties, discovery, inspection and production of documents, issues, trial, etc., have been dealt with in much more detail. The chapter on Commercial Courts has been made more comprehensive, and a new part dealing with the Mediation Act, 2023, has been added.

Overall, this book presents an enormous wealth of information in a compact and easily understandable form. One distinguishing feature of the book is its inclusion of case laws, references, and lucid language, which aid in understanding the complexities of Civil Procedure. Despite being written for students and junior members of the Bar, this book, prescribed in almost all universities in India, serves as a great reference tool for lawyers and judges.

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